Flowers for the season! A bi-weekly (4 bouquets) bouquet for 8 weeks. Generous farmers choice arrangement which may include garden roses, sunflowers, zinnias, snapdragons and more. Pick up or Delivery.
1 vase included with first arrangement.
Bouquet Subscription
For longer lasting flowers
1. Start with a squeaky clean vase.
2. In your vase, there should be no foliage below the water line; it will cause bacteria to grow.
3. Use a sharp knife or scissors to re-cut each stem right before it goes into the vase.
4. Flowers will last longer if you give them floral food and keep them away from heat and direct sunlight.
6. Refresh the water every couple of days. Rinse the stems under running water and cut about an inch off the bottom.
7. Some types of flowers last longer than others, remove any spent flowers or wilted foliage.